Terms and conditions of use

  1. Use and Restrictions

    The use of the Site expresses the user's full and unreserved adherence to these Terms and Conditions of Use. Through the Site, the user will access and / or use various services and content (hereinafter the "Services and Content"), made available to users by members of WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC shall have the right to deny, restrict or condition user access to the Site, in whole or in part, at its sole discretion, and to modify the Services and Content of the Site, at any time and without prior notice. It is strictly forbidden to use the Site for activities that imply infringing or violating the laws of Peru or of the place where the services provided through the Site are used.

    It is strictly forbidden to carry out "hacking" activities (act or series of acts carried out through the Internet that involve the elimination, appropriation, interference, damage or unauthorized partial or total extraction of information, money or property of third parties registered on the Internet for any purpose, including but not limited to, causing damage, or obtaining an economic benefit in favor of the person who performs the act in favor of third parties), through the Site. Queda terminantemente prohibido desarrollar mecanismos que en forma alguna intenten defraudar a WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC https://webtilia.com. Asimismo, queda terminantemente prohibido, utilizar el Site como medio de defraudación a terceros.

    El usuario reconoce que no todos los Servicios y Contenidos están disponibles en todas las áreas geográficas.

    WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC https://webtilia.com no garantiza la disponibilidad y continuidad de la operación del Site y de los Servicios y Contenidos, ni la utilidad del Site o los Servicios y Contenidos en relación con ninguna actividad específica. WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC https://webtilia.com no será responsable por ningún daño o pérdida de cualquier naturaleza que pueda ser causado debido a la falta de disponibilidad o continuidad de operación del Site y/o de los Servicios y Contenidos. It is strictly forbidden to develop mechanisms that in any way attempt to defraud WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC https://webtilia.com. It is also strictly forbidden to use the Site as a means of defrauding third parties.

    You acknowledge that not all Services and Content are available in all geographic areas.

    WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC https://webtilia.com does not guarantee the availability and continuity of operation of the Site and the Services and Content, nor the usefulness of the Site or the Services and Content in connection with any specific activity. WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC https://webtilia.com not be liable for any damage or loss of any nature that may be caused due to lack of availability or continuity of operation of the Site and / or the Services and Content.

  2. Intellectual Property Rights

    The intellectual property rights regarding the Services and Contents and the distinctive signs and domains of the Site, as well as the rights of use and exploitation thereof, including their disclosure, publication, reproduction, distribution and transformation, are the exclusive property of WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC and are protected by Peruvian legislation on the subject, by Legislative Decree No. 822 - Copyright Law - and by Legislative Decree No. 823 - Industrial Property Law. The user does not acquire any intellectual property rights by the mere use of the Services and Contents of the Site and at no time shall such use be considered as an authorization or license to use the Services and Contents for purposes other than those contemplated in these Terms and Conditions of Use.

  3. Intellectual property of third parties

    The user agrees that the provisions set forth in paragraph 2 above regarding the ownership of the rights of the web fondosmutuos.pe are also applicable to the rights of third parties regarding the Services and Content of the pages linked to the Site.

  4. Permitted Uses

    The use of the Services and Contents of the Site is the exclusive responsibility of the user, who in any case must use them according to the functionalities allowed in the Site itself and the uses authorized in these Terms and Conditions of Use, so the user is obliged to use them in a way that does not violate the rules of use and coexistence on the Internet, the laws of the Republic of Peru and the legislation in force in the country in which the user is using them, good customs, the dignity of the person and the rights of third parties. The Site is for the user's personal use and therefore the user may not commercialize the Services and Contents in any way.5. Calidad de los servicios y contenidos

    WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC, its directors, managers, officers, executives, employees, agents, contractors or other natural or legal persons related, shall not be liable for any damages and / or injury, as a result of inaccuracies, typographical errors and changes or improvements that are made periodically to the Services and Content, by the use of the website fondosmutuos.pe. This condition shall not apply when Peruvian law so provides.WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC , no se hacen responsables por los daños que el/los Usuario/s pueda sufrir como consecuencia del uso del Site, salvo aquellos que provengan de dolo o culpa inexcusable de WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC https://webtilia.com, según fuera el caso.

    WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC, is not responsible, nor endorse the information appearing on the Site and that is not its direct authorship.

    WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC, is not responsible for viruses that may be present on the Site and / or messages that are sent, consequently, is already released from any liability for damages that they may cause to him / the User / s.

    WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC, is not responsible for the activities of "hacking" that may be performed by the User/s to the detriment of the Account of another User. The unauthorized disposal of funds resulting from hacking activities does not generate any liability for WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC.


  5. Confidentiality

    WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC is obliged to keep confidential the information it receives from the user that has such character in accordance with the applicable legal provisions in the Republic of Peru. WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC assumes no obligation to keep confidential any other information that the user provides, either when registering to the Site or at any time thereafter, including information that the user provides through newsletters, bulletin boards or online chat (chats), as well as information obtained by WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC through the Cookies described in paragraph 8.

  6. Use of non-confidential information

    It is understood that the information provided by users of our website fondosmutuos.pe on any data, suggestions or information sent by this means, will be considered as non-secret, and, by sending it, the user grants WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC an irrevocable and unrestricted license to use, copy, modify, reproduce, transmit, display and distribute such materials, information, suggestions, ideas or comments of any nature.

  7. Cookies

    The user who has access to the Site agrees to receive the cookies transmitted by the servers of WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC. "Cookie" means a data file that is stored on the hard drive of the user's computer when the user accesses the Site. Cookies may contain information such as the identification provided by the user or information to track the pages the user has visited. A Cookie cannot read data or information from the user's hard drive or read Cookies created by other Sites or pages.

  8. Secret passwords and confidential numbers

    At all times, the user is solely and ultimately responsible for keeping secret the number of your cards, accounts, secret codes and confidential numbers with which you have access to the Services and Content of the Site, as well as the pages of third parties. Transactions made on the Site using the number of your cards, accounts, secret codes and confidential numbers express the express will of the user, the same that will be understood to be known by WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC when the user receives the corresponding acknowledgment of receipt.9.

    WEBTILIA MARKETING SOLUTIONS SAC shall have the right to modify the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time. Consequently, the user must carefully read the Terms and Conditions of Use each time you intend to use the Site. Certain Services and Content offered to users on and/or through the Site are subject to specific conditions that replace, complete and/or modify the Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter, the "Specific Conditions"). Consequently, the user must also carefully read the corresponding Particular Conditions before accessing any Services and Contents.

  9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

    For the interpretation, compliance and execution of these terms and conditions, the parties agree that the laws in force in the Republic of Peru shall be applicable, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them by reason of their present or future domiciles, submitting themselves to the competence and jurisdiction of the Judges and Courts of Lima, Peru.